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tv   Colorado Senate Debate  CSPAN  October 18, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm EDT

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sending a nator back to washington who has been there in part of that broken system for 47 years isn't 47 years is e answer. i am asking kansans to join me tonight in sending a message to washington that the status quo is no longer acceptable and kansans deserve better. we are the country that put a man on the moon, figured out how to harness the power of the atom, that took computers that used to fill a room and put them on the head of a pen. i believe at that country and those people can solve any problem if they put their minds together and work together, but we won't get there if we keep electing bitter partisans instead of problem solvers. change can be scary, but what frightens me is more of the same. what frightens me is to parties d -- who seem more interested in seeing the other party fail then seeing the country succeed that this is an opportunity for kansans to send a message to both parties that if you do not roll up your sleeves, star
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solving problems, we will find people who will. it is an opportunity for us to send a message to the nation about what is right with kansas. i am asking for your vote on november 4 to send this historic message and help us get washington back into the business of solving problems for every american. >> thank you, sir. senator roberts. ksn.hank you again to president obama said about a week ago that this election was about a referendum on his policies, his program, and his agenda. his legacy, if you will come and that is certainly true. there is only one way that we are going to stop the obama-read agenda, and that is to elect a republican majority. many different leaders across our party have come to my assistance and endorsement not because it is me, this is not
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about me it is about the future of the country, and they have endorsed me because they know that i will vote for a republican majority in the dictatorship by harry reid and agenda. obama-reid about this time tomorrow night, my opponent is going to have to enter new york at a $5,000 a plate fundraiser with the soros family. going with him is an agenda meant -- is an adjustment by the afl cio, so waving the banner and going to a fundraiser come i have never known the soros independents.rse they endorse liberal democrats, and so does the afl-cio. >> thank you, senator roberts, to i to mr. orman, a special thanks to our panel, once again,
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applerpenter from this journal, and also brian lowry from the wichita eagle. we will have much more of the kansas senate debate coming up 10:00, and at member, folks, get out there and vote. thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you, sir, appreciated e it. >> you bet. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] ♪ >> "the new york time" reports today on a supreme court decision that will allow texas to enforce its voter id law in the upcoming november election. the decision comes while the law is in challenge through the appeals or process. bader ginsburg, sonia sotomayor, and elena kagan dissented from the decision, which will now require voters in the state to present a driver's
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license, military id, or passport before casting their vote at the ballot box. in 2011 butenacted was soon blocked by a provision in the federal voting rights as a dot that provision was later struck down by a 2013 supreme court decision prompting texas officials to put the log back into effect. notes thatrk times" the law has been used in several statewide election since the 2013 decision but never in a federal election. now for the race for u.s. senate in colorado, democratic senator mark udall is running for a second term against republican congressman cory gardner. the two recently participated in their third debate. it comes to us courtesy of kusa tv in denver. it is an hour.
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>> good evening. it has become almost cliché to say that the u.s. senate could hinge on this race, but it makes it no less true. our audience here tonight has agreed to refrain from applause and cheering during the debate to maximize the amount of time that we have for our discussion. they will, however, break their silence now to join us in welcoming the candidates, senator mark udall and congressman or cory gardner. [applause] the rules of the debate, agreed upon by the candidates, one minute and deserves, redirects, and rebuttals at our discussion. there we opportunities for them you just bait from home by helping choose one of the topics
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that we discussed with a bit more depth on we will be of course talking about some issues of the day including the spread of ebola, the economy, and obamacare, the formal care act, but your votes will determine which topics we will circle back to before the night is done, so you can vote and text information will appear on the screen throughout this hour. our debate begins after my 9 news political reporter brandon britt catches s up. bigger than is colorado, it could decide control of the u.s. senate, net has people shoveling money rocky mountains. >> why do guys like cory gardner think it is their business to tell women what to do/ >> for all of the red star -- ads targeting women, this is between two men.
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mark udall first won a senate seat in 2008, also considered one of the closest races in the country. newlyped elect the elected president obama, the law proved deeply unpopular -- >> but over time you will see the affordable care act work for more and more coloradans. wife that is now we have heard udall focused on, instead a war hisomen strategy, painting opponent as an extreme ideologue . on the inside, congressman cory gardner who gave up a state seat in the house for this run hoping to rise to the senate on his conservative views on social issues has provided ammunition for democrats, including his status as a cosponsor of a bill in congress. >> there is no bill. >> gardener is out on a limb without denial, at odds with fact checkers and the supporters he is engaged on a fight
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campaigning i plan to offer birth control pills over the counter but gardner also seems to have connected with an argument that women's issues are overhyped in this campaign. to be sure, the two candidates are on at all than all caps of other policies, energy, immigration, and health care, but we keep mark udall or replace him? the ballots are in the mail. >> let's get right to a. i have the first question, and we going to begin with the news of the day, some pretty discouraging headlines about the ebola virus here in this nation, a second health care worker in texas infected who flew on a passenger jet, the president canceling political business to all emergency cap in a meeting. as it stands at this moment, how do you evaluate the federal response? >> brandon, i took the time today to call dr. frieden, the head of the cdc, to get a
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briefing directly from him, and here is what he shared with me -- the virus of the enemy. we need to his or no cost, we need to protect our public health workers, we need to knowledge the great courage of not only be people here who are facing this unseen virus but the troops we're sending to western africa, to the aid workers that are there already, but in the end of what i think we have to do is understand that the world has more to do, we have more to do, and we ought to in the end listen to the doctors and the health care professionals. they believe we ought to close our borders, restrict flights to and from west africa, let's listen to them. but senators and congressmen should not be making those decisions. we should be supporting the resources necessary to meet the ebola challenge. >> there were a lot of forward-looking statements there. how do you feel like we have done so far? >> i think to this point we have the best medical system in the world. we need to be up to this challenge, we need to be focused on income and we need to remember that if we do not so
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orts operations like the centers for disease control, we are not going to be able to meet this challenge in the way we want. this is the difference between congressman gardner and me. he has voted to cut cdc spending a bowl most $170 million coming putting about $300 million of direct response functions. ebola not going to beat by cutting back the cdc in our public health systems. that is the difference between the two of us that >> congressman gardner. >> thank you, brandon, and i think we had a have a immediate travel ban going into effect now, not tomorrow, but now that we must have immediate travel ban into effect from the affected areas that if the president is not willing to put into place a travel ban, then we cap 100% screening of the people who are coming from those affected areas. right now we've seen reports were 96% will be screened underlie but that is not good enough that we need to make sure that the people coming from affected areas are screened to protect the health of the american people. this is a very dangerous situation. if we do not put into place all
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the necessary steps to make sure that we are safeguarding the american people and the responsible into the world as well done working with world health organizations around the globe to make sure that we are coordinating responses, to make sure that we are working with local community health departments i spoke trainers the other day childers also to make sure that they were undertaking the kinds of steps necessary. >> really quickly, one more try, anything about how we have done so far, how would you rate it? listen to the words of the cdc, they said the mistakes were made but we like a strategy to deal with the ebola virus. i think that has been clear with the news and that is on a separable. tomorrow i will be attending a hearing of the energy and commerce subcommittee i sit on, the oversight and investigations subcommittee that make sure that we address those needs that secretary burwell has said that we could have done better in the response, and i would just talked to senator udall's charges. senator udall voted for the same building he is accusing me of voting for, so senator udall, i
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know throughout this campaign you have talked about things that we have done together and then try to criticize me for, so don't forget the you voted for the same measure. youe've established that have both vote is in the past to cut the cdc funding, but we are talking about the current ebola crisis. senator udall, the obama administration has a bit of a history of having full confidence in its people right up until the moment in which it doesn't anymore. you said you spoke with cdc had tom frieden today. do you have full confidence in him, and you believe he is the man to lead us all the way through this fight? >> i do have full conference and dr. frieden and in the centers for disease control. they are a lauded the locales agency. the world looks for the cdc provides expertise. we stand together, we will meet this challenge. the virus is the enemy. with all due respect to congress in gardner, he is talking a lot to different votes. we both voted for the sequester cuts because we had to keep the
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government open, but congressman gardner, and one of the many extreme votes he has cast, cast a vote to cut $700 million out of the cdc. imagine if those cuts had been in place today. imagine what the response would be. even more on our heels than we might be right now. >> conquers men gardner, you will have the opportunity to risk on, but i have another question. travel banout the from the west african countries fighting ebola. the cdc says ie se could make the situation worse. are there health experts that tell you your travel ban is a good idea that the cdc is wrong? >> what we know from the --uation of course of this that people traveling from the affected areas into the united states as has artie happen is i believe and that is why i believe we are to have in place a travel ban. that is what the american people are hoping for and asking for, the overwhelming majority of the american people believe which up with this in place come and look -- is this more of a public opinion thing?
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>> no. press report said he did not tell the truth when he was filling up the forms about where he had been. that is the same thing that could happen. we do to make sure we have a travel ban in place to prevent people from coming here in the first place, and again, i would remind sundar udall that the very thing that went into effect come into the law is the very thing that he voted for, but perhaps the cdc should quest spending money on things like jazzercise, urban gardner, and massage their pnt direct emirates where it is protecting the held of them are can people die >> commerce men gardner's get real. $770 million in cuts to the cdc i do not hope for, he voted for, jazzercise -- that is a small, small parts focusing on the cdc -- >> would you keep jazzercise over ebola? >> we would not have the capacity to respond today. -- we oughtt of our
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to listen to our public health responsible. you are a congress that, i am a senator, we're not doctors and public health specialists. we need to isolate the virus, not countries that . >> we have got to move along here. we cannot get things done with the split houses. andou are reelected democrats keep control the senate, what would you do to make congress more effective, and how would that be better than republicans holding both conversing directly with the white house? >> what i will do if i am reelected is continue to work across the aisle, and i can share some examples with you of the $770 million we directed into the state to recover from a flood a year ago. the state-of-the-art firefighting capacities we now have come including tankers, the best trained firefighters you can imagine as well as getting in front of the fires in the first place. i will continue to work with
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senators from the upper midwest to ensure that our wind industry is strong. that is what i've done, that is what we do in colorado. we are rugged collaborators in this state. look atll you if you congressman gardner's record, he has the 10th most extreme record in the house of representatives. record byat extreme voting to cut medicare and social security that you get that extreme record by voting against tracking sexual patters -- predators, when you -- we need ame senators like me. we had something pass in the house is been sitting on it. every business leader in this state has been calling for comprehensive immigration reform. every economic sector needs immigration reform, certainly
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labor market certainty. the senate has been getting things done, it is the house of representatives that have been missing in action. >> i have another question -- the tactics used by yourself and the fellow republican seen by voters as the cause of the government seen -- shut down last year, called for taking a bite out of obamacare to give the government's lights on. why should the party be rewarded with control of the senate went people believe your side dug into cause the gridlock that >> i never thought it was a good idea the first place and if you look at criticism i took from embers of my own party because i refuse to sign onto strategies, letters, plans that resulted in the government shutdown. i voted for every measure that would reopen the government. i voted for measure after measure to make sure that we funded the government. in fact, the end of the fiscal year we passed a measure out of the house that would have asked the senate simile to go to a conference committee to try to work together to avoid any lesson funding, yes senator udall and harry reid refused to bring the measure to the senate,
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but your question i think is a valid one. what can we expect over the next six years that will be different from senator udall? he has voted 99% of the time with president obama. he has voted for his failed policies on health care. he has voted on his failed policies on health care, increased taxes, increase regulation, and while he votes 99% of the time with president obama, i will 100% of the time with the people of colorado. leadership matters, and over the next six years, this state needs leadership. not more be same from senator udall. >> congressman, we begin with you here on this that question. you continue to deny that the federal life to conception act, which you sponsor, is a personhood bill that ends abortion, and we're not going to debate that because it is a fact. let's talk about what this entire episode may say about your judgment more broadly. it would seem that a charitable interpretation would be that you have a difficult time admitting
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when you are wrong and a less charitable interpretation would be that you are not telling us the truth. which is it? >> i do not support the personhood amendment. the bill you're referring to is a statement that i support life. let me repeat the words of senator udall -- >> no one else says that, that is what we are getting at >> i have answered this multiple times -- >> i am aware of that. post hasnver called this of noxious, focus on one single issue, the people of colorado deserve better, they deserve more than a single issue that senator udall's attention to give them. >> believe you me we will talk about that, but what i am asking you here is what appears to be the willing suspension of the facts. people who agree with you on the issue of life think you're wrong about how you're describing the bill. everyone seems to have a cohesive idea about what this is with the exception of you, and i am wondering why should voters glean from that? >> there are people who agree
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with my opinion on life and there are people who don't. i support life, but the fact of the bill you're talking by simply a statement that i support life. i have answered this question most will times, but i will repeat the words of senator lugar, who said when he changed his position on the issue of gay marriage that a good faith change of position should be considered a virtue, not a vice. that is not my words, those are his words. >> and you remain on the bill, and the idea of personhood is concerning rights of normal human beings on the ou nborn. i support life, but the fact is the people of colorado deserve more than a single issue that senator udall has campaigned on. said hiser post" campaign has been inspiring fear instead of inspiring hope got that is what we ought to talk about. >> we will move on actually to that topic. post" editorial
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board is calling your of noxious -- obnoxious one issue campaign an insult to women. is this about gathering enough imo votes to push you over the line? >> the personal bill, commerce men, is a bill, not a statement of belief. bant became law, it would all abortions and most common forms of contraception's, and coloradans deserve a stray shot and the truth from you, and you have yet to really give a straight answer to the questions they ask. on your question, reproductive freedoms are important to millions of dollar women and families. " doesn'tenver post think so, if commerce men -- ifr does not think so,
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congressman gardner does not think so -- the congressman has built his career on limiting productive freedom. you have got to be extreme on more than women's reproductive freedoms, you end up voting against medicare, against green energy, a floating across the board to be the 10th most conservative member of the house. proud to stand with the women of colorado that if the denver post is not fit with the women of colorado, that is their business. verse it is on the ballot for the third time. we do not believe in personhood, we believe women should make their on decisions. rove he waited on the ballot. the supreme court valid -- roe v. wade is on the ballot. >> let me put it another way -- we have analyzed the content of andads in the wastrace, more than half of yours are on
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this issue, yet it is not rank as issue number one on any public opinion poll. is it really at that level that it needs to be at the top of your campaign? a campaign. rt of we have rallies, debates like this, we meet with editorial boards, there are letters to the editor, and half of the ads, half of the commentary has been about economics, about raising the minimum wage, paycheck fairness, making college affordable. those are important issues for the people of colorado book congressman gardner has built his entire career on limiting women's reproductive freedom sought warrior. social issue these are issues of respect and economics. when a woman is in the workplace and starts her career and sides to start a family, those ought to be her decisions, not decisions made by judges or bosses or congressman. of peoplerds disapprove your view, you
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tupport partial birh abortion, that is an extreme recordh. woment i support is making their decision, coloradans to defeat the personhood amendment. we will defeated again. the women of colorado will make the decisions about their reproductive health. i trust those women. >> senator, president obama said t his policies are on the ballot, and republicans gentle overthink the president's record is up for a vote. actually, the president was talking but his proposed policies for the next two years, specifically which of the president's proposed policies are you prepared to vote against any next two years? list of't know the policies that you are alluding to dot certainly i am more than ready
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to vote for raising the minimum wage, for paycheck fairness, was would pay a woman what a man is paid, we should make college more affordable, we should ensure that tax credits go to companies that keep jobs here, those are four differences between cart were summoned -- between congressman gardner and myself. >> the president is not running on nsa policy. you ticked off a few agenda items, which are on the president's agenda, and my question for you was -- are there items on the president's agenda that you don't support? support moving the country forward and focusing on the economy, kyl. i did not read the president's speech. colorados of the compass. i listen to the people of colorado, and when the president is right, because we want our president to succeed, and i stand with our president. if president obama came to console the victims of aurora and he came here to spend time in the fire-ravaged areas of
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colorado springs and we welcome him here. when he did not stand up for the simpson's bowl proposal and when he continues to give the green light to the national security agency to spy on americans, i have stood up on -- to resident obama, and i will do so with the colorado congress and the point of view with coloradans in my minds eye. >> thank you, senator. sayonga's men gardner, you humans are significantly contribute to climate change. how did you arrive at that view? withwould like to address sundar udall just said because he said when the president is right he will vote with the president. do you think the president is right 99% of the time? youongressman, the number do not like talking about is that you are the 10th most of the housemember of representatives. >> all right, we have questions up for review, so i will redirect right back to this question. your position on climate change thet odds with scientific community.
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>> i think there is disagreement, but the fact is i ,efuse to destroy this economy as senator udall is willing to do. we have to reduce illusion. i have -- to reduce pollution. i supported measures to increase energy, looking at alternative energy, i supported the tax credit extension, i have supported geothermal and solar efforts in the state legislature congress,ited states i worked with peter welch am a democrat from vermont. what i refuse to do is burden the people of colorado with a carbon tax that senator udall supports and he will not say how much it is going to cost. what i refuse to do is to pass on to farmers and ranchers a cap and trade bill that sundar udall reports -- that senator udall reports. when i refuse to do is say the that 200 should --
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50,000 jobs should be lost and let our economy hit because offense senator udall's plan to follow the president money nine percent of the time. >> a brief rebuttal. >> commerce men gardner continues to refuse to answer the questions. we have some of the lowest energy prices in the world. we are going to lead the world, but how can you support a senator that helped lead colorado is the senator does not even believe in climate change? >> thank you. i want to get an short questions and god willing short answers, first for you, congressman, can you name a democrat you voted for? >> that i voted for? no. can youor udall, name a republican you voted for? >> not the last 10 years. >> when you fire a gun an? >> late last year a shotgun. >> congressman?
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>> i went up hunting this fall. >> a board member's suggestion that students should not be openly encouraged to engage in civil disobedience. curious, senator, whether you engaged in civil disobedience, knowingly broken a law to make a point. >> i certainly was involved in the vietnam era, and those protests. i never was arrested for breaking the law, but i admire those students and teachers and jefferson county for standing up. it shows you that elections matter, that extreme positions in colorado are not were our state is, and again it is an example of what happens when you -- anot extreme members elected body, you get policies that do not move colorado forward. >> congressman, civil disobedience? >> other than disobeying my parents after having a cap the afternoon upon that night, the answer is no, but i will take the story in high school where i
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led an effort to talk about education funding for rural schools. how's a junior in high school, talk about issues important to education, but we need to keep congress out of the classroom. >> i can follow-up by asking soda or pop, but i will do that? repeal the sale of recreational marijuana? wanted states to be laboratories. >> same question that >> we need to work together delegation to make sure the federal government butts out it lets us continue this experiment. >> should congress grandfather other -- grant colorado and exempt into the controlled substances act and revert to marijuana? >> we should do it for a number particularly the cannabis industry needs access
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to the banking system. right now says marijuana is a drug, that access is not available and is a public safety hazard. we will get the job done and let this experiment continue. >> congressman, inventions to the controlled substances act. >> i do not know that you can do that for colorado, but commerce overall has to look at the regulatory system to make sure that colorado is allowed to follow whatever it passes, addressing banking issues and other regulatory issues as they arrive throughout the entire system. >> which member of the supreme court today is a model jurist in your opinion? >> any that will not legislate from the bench -- >> not a philosophy, a justice. >> justice kennedy, if you look at opinions written by justice alito, by chief justice roberts come again for my do not know that i could look in any of them and say this is the one that i believe have done the best job, but i admire and respect the service of the supreme court justices. >> is there anybody on the bench in a that you think is so out of
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the mainstream that if given the opportunity as a senator -- >> these are people i have disagreements with, some of them are justices that i disagree with, but the fact is this, they have gone through an arduous journey to achieve the status as a u.s. supreme court justice and they deserve our respect and of course when opinions are issued, we will follow the rule of law as issued by the court. >> would you vote but justice ginsburg back on the court? >> that is not a vote we would ever have. >> senator udall, who is a model jurist, a name, please. >> congressman gardner is a friend of mine, but you hear the lawyer in him when he answers those questions. sonia sotomayor is a hair one of heroine of mine. the court has been well served in the people have been well served by their service on the supreme court are >> summit you could not vote to confirm?
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anton scalia is out of the mainstream and he is a sitting member of the supreme court. service,ive with a but when you look at the citizens united decision, which overturned 100 year of settle law and has resulted in this normal avalanche of campaign outside money, one of the cases maybe -- >> we are exceeding the short answer here. is the biggest nonissue in your mind that congress q's debating needlessly? >> benghazi. >> short answer, very good. >> looks, the families of these countries deserve an answer on benghazi. --is outrageous that >> before we go down that rabbit hole again, the questions you, congressman, is an issue that congress is debating needlessly. a nonissue. >> a number of republicans continued to bash renewable , and i've spoken time and
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time again on behalf of supporting renewable energy. let me like this issue of benghazi -- i think it is outrageous that senator udall is not think benghazi is worth looking into. >> both of you will have time to bring up topics later, so you can return to that. you weredall, if invited by a friend or family number to attend a same-sex wedding, would you attend? >> i would come and i would be honored to be an efficient >> commerce and gardner. >> yes. i support gay marriage and people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and when comes to the super court, i attend. >> should there be term limits serving in congress and if so how long? >> i think there should be term limits and that is why i am running for office this november 4. >> how long? >> six years.
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limits. term i think that is a good decision by the united states senators who have done not. i think they have to be equal between a house and the senate not threen set that at two or terms to been and how the senate and the house agree with each other. colorado passé term limit bill that was deemed unconstitutional but we have to make sure they do . t disadvantage the state >> i respect the constitution, the term limit is already in the constitution. i would note that over the last six years since i was elected, i have served one term. we had a 50% turnover in the united states senate done if i am reluctant, meissen yorty would be below 50%, which is why i would chair a couple of very important subcommittees to colorado. we do not need term limits -- they are already in the constitution. >> my next question here is for both of you. the senate has come underscores before its rules -- almost anyone can filibuster anonymously if they want to.
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before you know whether you will be in the minority party if you are elected, is there any kind of filibuster reform you will support? >> i believe the founders got it right when they wrote our constitution and created a system that was described by one of our founding fathers that said the house is like the cup and the senate is like be sought aucer. that is what one of our founders has said, then wasn't her udall has done, and that is why think the senator has got it right when it comes to openness, but what he has done is he has broken the rules to change the rules, to quiet the voice of the minority, to allow his team, so to speak, to stack the deck's against what the founders intended to be free and open debates, and if i am in the united states and its, if the people of colorado give me the great privilege and honor, i will not break the rules to try to take advantage of a political process. >> can i take from that no
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filibuster reform? --the senate has provocative has prerogative to change the rules, and we change the rules because the tea party -- which i am worried congressman gardner would join, we were not putting any of president obama's nominees on the federal bench that you are ceoine if of an important business, usa, inc., for example, and you could not fill your human resources position on chief financial office position? we changed the rules so we could put those people in place. the point that congressman gardner is trying to make i think is undercut by the fact have movede legislation in the senate is because people are using these filibuster. what we ought to goes to is a talking filibuster. if you want to filibuster like senator rand paul did, and i was pleased that he made the case about drones a year and a half ago, then great, but there is a lot of what we call silent
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filibusters where the minority party leaves town and ours those of us in the majority party to try and break that filibuster. that is not the way the senate will retain and begin to regain its greatness. >> u.n. president obama were unable to keep your affordable care act pledge that if you liked your doctor, you can keep your doctor. that was a central promise of a controversial piece of legislation. looking forward, how can you assure coloradans that when the next sweeping piece of legislation comes along, that you will have a better idea of how it will actually work? .ooking ahead, not back >> i will just say when i realized the insurance committees were breaking faith come i offered a piece of legislation to make that the case.
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the affordable care act does fix a broken system. if you had a pre-existing condition, you can get coverage. >> why did you lack a handle? >> i did not like a handle. that was clear in the legislation. the minute that was not happening, i was right there to ensure every coloradan who wanted to keep their plan that they could keep it. we wanted to ensure to -- if you think about why we needed the a formal care act, it is not only because women works to screw made against but because they were many coloradans come a situation they could not leave the job that they had. >> there are pieces of this law people to support like requiring health plans to cover pre-existing conditions. you have hinted you want to keep that but how will you do that without the individual mandate?
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that premiumsear would skyrocket unless they got everyone in the pool. >> i've introduced legislation on the very matter. i have a bill, but it is only a 50-page or 60-page bill, not a 2700 page that senator udall supported, and i will remind him that as a result of his broken promise not only did houses of coloradans lose a doctor that senator udall promised they could keep, three hundred 40,000 coloradans lost their health care plan that he promised they could keep. and it is not true, senator, keep itple were able to because people are actually losing their health insurance over the summer, after the affect,hat you said to people have lost their health care plan. thousands of people over the summer have lost their health care plan that senator udall just said would never happen. the fact is senator udall had a chance to vote in 2010 to happening, torom
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prevent people from losing their health care plans, and if he had read the bill, he would have known the consequences of his actions, and would've voted yes, but instead he did the partisan thing, he did not lead, he went to ge against his word and he went for a bill that would allow him to keep his job. >> people flock to plan to have pre-existing conditions, and there is not a giant pool to defer the cost -- >> this is where we have the opportunity to create the high risk rules where the federal government can assist in making sure these premiums are low enough that people can afford it. coverage for pre-existing conditions is important, but what we have to recognize is that what senator udall promised, the three foundational promises of obamacare are not true and he had a chance to correct it and he refused to provide the leadership necessary to correct it. >> what a we give you a brief rebuttal? >> let's just remember that congressman gardner will take us
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back to another system, which he broken, against women, voted some 50 times including shutting down the government last fall for his own ideology, and he has offered no replacement plan. he just talks about what he might support, but he does not offer any true replacement. >> thank you. u2 have shown a great willingness to engage one another, so let's do that on schedule here. you can each fa question of the other. >> senator udall, you have voted with the president 99% of the time and said you voted with him when you believe he is right, so do you believe he is right 99% of the time? with policy that you voted for do you regret? >> congressman, the number you don't want to talk about is number 10 in the house of representatives. you earned that distinction by being too extreme. you sponsored the national personhood law.
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medicare to privatize -- that.would love to talk about >> go ahead. dollars --or billion the $800 billion gardner is mentioning is to close the donut hole for the seniors. congressman gardner, you cast a vote to take that same $800 billion and direct those into tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires. while you were cutting medicare come i was extending the life of it by redirecting that $800 billion. >> is that some in you regret making, cutting medicare? medicaretually cut because you directed those dollars into tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires. my vote directed medicare advantage moneys into medicare and extended the life of medicare. >> your question for the
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congressman. >> we talked about personhood. you still sponsor the life to conception act, and that is a federal personhood bill that bans abortion and common forms of birth control as both kyle and brandon pointed out, the supporters agree with that turkey is asian, but you deny the bill exists at all it, but that that is you deny the bill exists at all, and you had said the bill does not even exist to another tv channel. please explain to everybody here why they are wrong. udall, the bill you're referencing a simply a statement that i support life, but what we have seen throughout campaign and a continues tonight that senator udall wishes to fix -- to focus nothing on social issues, he is a social warrior.
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i support increasing access to contraception. i believe contraception should over thevailable counter without a prescription. we need to fix the law that you pass which prohibited some of that funding from those prescriptions from being reimbursed. that is what we ought to do. in flood level colorado a few days ago you refused to say whether you supported increasing access. it is outrageous to say someone would want to ban birth control. "the denver post" has described your campaign as obnoxious because of your focus on a single issue. i am proud to receive the endorsement of "the denver post" because we will continue growing jobs in the economy and focus on things the people of colorado continued to talk about. >> my favorite section, because you guys good to see what it is like to ask questions and not get straight answers, so i hope that was fun for everybody. [laughter] next question for you,
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congressman, senator udall has properly criticized the nsa for domestic surveillance tactics. i am curious -- do you take issue with any of his specific criticisms of the nsa or are you guys roughly together on this? >> i've said that i've appreciated the senator's work on this. we have worked together on east kinds issues, and that is why i it on thehe mm floor, and i believe he supported -- i do not want to put words of his mouth, but i think it is some a senator udall would support. i was a cosponsor of the usa freedom act when it was originally written because i believe it would do a good job to rein in the nsa but i voted against it what it was brought to the floor because they wanted -- they watered it down and did not go far enough and took out protections for the american people. they changed it, so that was unacceptable. goodieve we have done a job working together on these issues and will continue to dot
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>> senator, you voted against pipeline. e the washington post called the delay absurd, laughable, and embarrassing. i know you said you are frustrated by the delay, but would you push your allies to extradite keystone? >> i look at this through a colorado lens. we have an energy sector in colorado and developed our energy in a safe and responsible way. that is all i was asking for and still asked for when it comes to the keystone pipeline. i can tell the viewers that if this pipeline were being billed through eastern colorado, you would want to know and the farmers in eastern colorado would want to know that the pipeline would be built safely, this is ay, and decision the president will make. let's focus on what we will do here. >> is the delay political? many say this was kicked back to protect people like you better in tough races. >> if you look at the history of the keystone pipeline, the
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original objections, there is a case in the nebraska supreme court. we respect the people of nebraska in their quest to get the best decision, but let's focus, kyle, on what we are doing here rather than turn us into a political issue, which is what commerce meant gardner and many other have in the congress. >> senator, thank you. what is the one most attainable thing congress can do right now to promote job growth, a policy that will not lead to some big fight but will actually pass and get both parties rallied around it? is a strong opinion comprehensive immigration reform, which we have sent to whichuse to consider, would create labor market certainty, you have every business leader saying this is important for our future. it has the right balance of responsibly, legal status, and ultimate citizenship for people in the shadows. it would enhance our national security and would mean we do
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not be difficult situation we have had earlier this year with the children on the border, and what have -- outlines the difference between congressman gardner and me in this race is that he has opposed copper and's of immigration reform. we should take steps, but he has not taken a single step. he has made it clear that he thinks dreamers are here under either legal auspices. that is not how we're going to move our economy forward or colorado's economy forward. congressmen, one attainable thing. >> we ought to build the keystone pipeline. eastern colorado were in charge, they would have built a. i find it interesting that senator udall is willing to defend the people of eastern colorado because of his concern about the keystone pipeline -- he has voted against it four times, but in 1999, senator
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udall suggested we move nuclear waste to eastern colorado, so he is not willing to build the keystone pipeline, but he is willing to move nuclear waste to eastern plains. as someone who lives in eastern colorado, i don't think we appreciate your willingness to move nuclear waste into our backyard that >> that is laughable. if the congressman remembers, he was working for the server -- the senator at the time. we had low-level nuclear waste, and we worked together, we now have a prime example of collaboration. it is now a wildlife refuge. >> congressman, your voting record is one of the most conservative in the house. do you have new views as in changed positions or just a new way of talking with the standard conservative agenda? >> if you look at my agenda, is sure- it is about making
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it represents the people of colorado in the united states senate. what i will continue to do 100% of the time his vote for the people of colorado. when it came to the violence against women act, i actually stood against my party and start against the house measure because i believe it was watered down and voted for the senate measure. support renewable energy, believing that isn't it is important that we proceed on renewable and traditional energy, and i will continue to pursue those kinds of ideas. what being a republican is about is to make sure we are for solutions and ideas, that we put possibilities before the american people to address the challenges that we face. i think the people of this country are tired. we do not have a government that can solve problems anymore. we need a government that can do big things, big ideas -- tjhahank you. why do you suppose it is you
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have had such a tough time gaining the support of men? >> kyl, i am focused on the entire electorate. the only poll that really matters is the one on election day. when coloradans, men or women, understand my record of accomplishment on behalf of the state, i mentioned some of these $770 million and the state for flood recovery, standing tall for our wind industry, making sure we have the greatest firefighting capabilities possible -- i believe i'm going to have a broad coalition that will reelect me to the senate. >> thank you, senator. both of you talked about the need for tax reform and our viewers to my who have been voting via text and on is the issue we return to as we begin to wrap up our hour. nothing ever seems to beginning done on it, it seems like special interests run the show.
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which group or industry that supports you, not your opponent, are you prepared to deliver some hard news to tonight that they will need to compromise in order to get the tax reform that we seek? again, a group that is in your corner, senator. >> i have a lot of groups in my corner, i'm thinking here, the act sector, aerospace, renewable energy, everybody is going to have to give a little bit. i'm a strong supporter of the i think thees -- president miss an important opportunity to embrace the simpson bowles approach. in the simpson bowles approach, there is tax reform with lower rates to the toy 5% goal so that we have a competitive -- the 25% goal so we have a competitive tax rate. everybody will have to give a little bit, on the revenue side, deductions, tax credits in the tax code. that is the beauty of the simpson bowles approach because everybody's at the table. it is like comprehensive immigration reform -- everybody
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has to give a little bit and it we get a solution. >> congressman? >> again, i do not believe we need to increase taxes. i do not think we should until the government can spend money . propriately until the government decides they can spend their money properly look, we are facing now an incredible deficit. we talked by the cdc spending money on things like jazzercise and urban gardening instead of focusing on their mission. i think there are ways we can economy. nding in the we should have comprehensive tax reform and have lower tax rates for everyone in this country. i think it was a representative from maybe tennessee who said the tax code is longer than the bible but unlike the bible, there is no good news in it. [laughter] >> i think you too may have been biding your time to ask each other questions again, so shall we do that? to turnor, i would like to the situation in the middle east.
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i serve on the intelligence and armed services committee. i get briefings on an ongoing basis. over a year ago call for action in syria to prevent the terrorists there from getting a foothold. were youme time, paying attention, where you taking the time to understand the serious threat that exists in the middle east, or did you just not care? >> i'm glad that you brought this issue up because i believe that the islamic state is an imminent threat to the nation and we must stop that. when you try to accuse me of things that the president has not had a strategy for come i wonder why you did not ask the president where his strategy was not we are in this mess because of a situation that the president of the united states, who you have voted for 99% of the time, has
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created. when he said we did not have a strategy to deal with these calledsts, someone who them junior varsity, someone who actually resulted in his organization and the beheading, capture, and killing of americans. you said you did not believe that they were an imminent threat. that you do not believe they are plotting against the united states. we need to protect the security and safety of the american people, and that is what i will continue to do in the congress and what i will continue to do in the united states senate. >> might i respond? votede a strategy, you for it, i voted for it. you want to parse words and i want to protect americans. >> all right, your question for the senator. >> again, the rebuttal, if you don't mind, you even told the american people you do not believe they are an imminent threat, and that is wrong, for
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the question i have for you is this -- you said you support a carbon tax, i oppose a carbon tax. what is the amount in dollars that every electricity bill will increase under your carbon tax? set the level for a fee on carbon. you do not believe in climate change, see you not interested -- >> electricity rates. >> i said the market will set a price just like the market set a price when the first president bush put in effect the clean air act, which lowered pollution in benefited our nation. i will tell you the price we are paying right now for your denial of climate change is a very high one. colorado is ready to meet the challenge of reducing carbon emissions. we have been preparing for it for many years. i wish you would listen to the scientists in the state and realize this is colorado's future. this is something that is there for the taking and under my leadership, that is what we are going to do. you just said that the market
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was set a price for a carbon tax. let me finish the question -- thank you. >> welcome to a bottle. -- to a rebuttle. >> there is no cost on the electricity bills today. what would that cost be in dollar terms? >> as i have said, the market will set a cost. because already because of your inaction is too high. >> it is time for a closing statements. congressman garner, you are first. >> thank you. it has been an honor to travel run a state of colorado, to visit with families who have struggled to make ends meet, to talk about ways that we can increase their opportunity. ways that we can make sure they have a brighter future, something we all believe is in our moral obligation to accomplish, and that is to make sure that the next iteration have a better starting point that the generation that we inherited from our parents.
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throughout this campaign, it has been an honor to travel with senator udall near and far, talking about growing our economy, energy independence, doing everything we can to protect and preserve our environmental quality that we cherish, and to make sure that we are increasing education opportunities for people across the state. but leadership matters command over the past six years, we've not seen the kind of leadership, independent leadership that we need for the state, and i would ask the people tonight as i ask for your support and your vote -- do you know one major accomplishment that senator udall has accomplished over the last six years? because i cannot. must act nowt we to shake up the senate. if something is broke, i will fix it. i will make sure that we are providing a new generation of leadership because what has happened the past six years to the people of colorado is unacceptable.
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>> congressman, thank you, senator udall. >> it has been a privilege of my life to be the united states senator from this special state. we have been through trials and tribulations over the last six years, floods, fires, droughts, the aurora shooting, but we have been up to a response to those tragedies and challenges. we work together, and i am proud to be a leader in ensuring that we have $770 million in this state to recover from the floods of last year. i'm proud to be a leader when it comes to making sure we can fight fires and recover from those fires when necessary. i'm proud to have led the effort to ensure our wind energy structure is ready for the future. i'm proud our economy is coming back and showing real signs of life, but there is more to do. we to pass the minimum wage, pass pay equity for women, make sure college is affordable and of course make sure that companies that move jobs overseas are not given tax codes for doing so.


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